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Иностранные языки :: Просмотр темы - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (unabridged) аудиокнига
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra (unabridged) аудиокнига Показать сообщения:   
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  Вт Авг 28, 2007 12:38 pm :: Thus Spoke Zarathustra (unabridged) аудиокнига  Ответить с цитатой


 Зарегистрирован: 22.08.2007
 Сообщения: 82

A 19th-century literary masterpiece, tremendously influential in the arts and in philosophy, uses the Persian religious leader Zarathustra to voice the author's views, including the introduction of the controversial doctrine of the Übermensch, or "superman," a term later perverted by Nazi propagandists. A passionate, quasi-biblical style is employed to inspire readers.

Файл - rar,mp3
Размер - 95.37 Mb+95.37 Mb+48.98 Mb

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