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Two-in-One Stories Показать сообщения:   
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  Сб Июл 08, 2006 6:09 pm :: Two-in-One Stories  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Гексли
 Зарегистрирован: 06.07.2006
 Возраст: 48
 Знак зодиака: Весы
 Сообщения: 429
 Откуда: Киев

Ниже вы найдете две истории, строки которых перепутаны. Для начала нужно сгруппировать эти предложения в отдельные истории и выстроить предложения в правильной последовательности. Попробуйте пересказать историю. Любые вопросы, относительно текстов обсудим на форуме Smile

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  Сб Июл 08, 2006 6:12 pm ::  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Гексли
 Зарегистрирован: 06.07.2006
 Возраст: 48
 Знак зодиака: Весы
 Сообщения: 429
 Откуда: Киев

The Loan
The Burglar

1 'That's not so hard, George,' said his father. 'Write to him and say you need the £1000 at once.'
2 Among my best friends are Joe and his wife Alice, who live in nice little house near Manchester.
3 'You mean the £500,' George interrupted.
4 The friend proved to be untrustworthy, and as George though he would lose the £500, he asked his father for advice.
5 The donor neglected to send his name, and all day the couple's question was, 'Wonder who it is?'
6 'No, I don't! Say a thousand pounds and he will write back he only owes you £500.'
7 There was a note from the burglar propped up on the pillow in the bedroom saying, 'Now you know.'
8 When, as a newly married couple, they had just returned from their honeymoon, they got a pleasant surprise in the post one morning - two tickets to the best show in town.
9 George Smith had lent a friend £500 but he had nothing in writing confirming the loan.
10 They enjoyed the show; when they reached home they found their house had been broken into and that all their wedding presents had been taken.
11 'Then you'll have it in writing.

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  Пн Май 14, 2007 4:16 pm ::  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Драйзер
 Зарегистрирован: 10.05.2007
 Возраст: 41
 Знак зодиака: Водолей
 Сообщения: 2

The Loan
1. George Smith had lent a friend £500 but he had nothing in writing confirming the loan.
2. The friend proved to be untrustworthy, and as George though he would lose the £500, he asked his father for advice.
3. 'That's not so hard, George,' said his father. 'Write to him and say you need the £1000 at once.'
4. 'You mean the £500,' George interrupted.
5. 'No, I don't! Say a thousand pounds and he will write back he only owes you £500.'
6. 'Then you'll have it in writing.

The Burglar
1. Among my best friends are Joe and his wife Alice, who live in nice little house near Manchester.
2. When, as a newly married couple, they had just returned from their honeymoon, they got a pleasant surprise in the post one morning - two tickets to the best show in town.
3. They enjoyed the show; when they reached home they found their house had been broken into and that all their wedding presents had been taken.
4. There was a note from the burglar propped up on the pillow in the bedroom saying, 'Now you know.'
5. The donor neglected to send his name, and all day the couple's question was, 'Wonder who it is?'

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