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Иностранные языки :: Просмотр темы - Freedom: The Philosophy of Liberation аудиокурс
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Freedom: The Philosophy of Liberation аудиокурс Показать сообщения:   
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  Сб Сен 01, 2007 12:42 am :: Freedom: The Philosophy of Liberation аудиокурс  Ответить с цитатой


 Зарегистрирован: 22.08.2007
 Сообщения: 82

Freedom: The Philosophy of Liberation
(8 lectures, 45 minutes/lecture)
Course No. 449

Taught by Dennis Dalton
Barnard College/Columbia University
Ph.D., University of London

Professor Dennis Dalton explores the meaning of freedom, perhaps the most powerful of the ideas that have inspired mankind throughout the ages.

Drawing on his work as a scholar of Gandhi and of Indian political thought, he examines the progress of both personal and political freedom.

And though the idea of freedom is, for many people, embodied by the United States, the concept is far older than this country. It is by no means an exclusively American product.

Indeed, the concept of liberation has long been the subject of learned thought, stretching as far back as the time of Plato and as far away as ancient India.

Professor Dalton's lectures are a guided tour along the byways of the philosophy of liberation, beginning with its ancient roots and ending in 20th-century America.

Файл - rar, mp3
Размер - 84.25 Mb

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