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Иностранные языки :: Просмотр темы - Фэн Шуи / Feng Shui
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Фэн Шуи / Feng Shui Показать сообщения:   
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  Пн Сен 04, 2006 11:58 am :: Фэн Шуи / Feng Shui  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Гексли
 Зарегистрирован: 06.07.2006
 Возраст: 48
 Знак зодиака: Весы
 Сообщения: 429
 Откуда: Киев

Feng Shui literally means “wind, water”. Feng shui is the part of an ancient Chinese philosophy of nature. It is related to the very sensible notion that living with rather than against nature benefits both humans and environment. It is also related to the equally sensible notion that our lives are deeply affected by our physical and emotional environs. If we surround ourselves with symbols of death, contempt and indifference toward life and nature, with noise and various form of ugliness and disorder, we will corrupt ourselves in the process. If we surround ourselves with beauty, gentleness, kindness, sympathy, music and various expressions of the sweetness of an ordered life, we ennoble ourselves as well as our environment.

Is anybody acquainted with Feng shui? Do you think it works?

Practice makes perfect Smile!
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  Вт Сен 26, 2006 12:25 pm ::  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Мужской
 Зарегистрирован: 16.07.2006
 Сообщения: 84
 Откуда: Киев

I'm sorry for strong language, but I think that Feng Shui is complete shit!!!
Something like superstitions.

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  Ср Ноя 15, 2006 6:51 pm ::  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Женский
 ТИМ: Гексли
 Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2006
 Сообщения: 70
 Откуда: Ukraine

Why to be so categorical? I think Feng Shui has sense and we should try and make our world more harmonious.

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